Keep Your Eyes On JHS Graduates-Amansie South DCE Admonishes Parents

Hon Clement Opoku Gyamfi Esq, DCE for Amansie South distributing bars of chocolates to BECE candidates in one of the classrooms at the exam centre

Keep Your Eyes On JHS Graduates-Amansie South DCE Admonishes Parents.

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Amansie South, Hon Clement Opoku Gyamfi Esq has advised parents and guardians of graduating Junior High School students to keep their eyes on them so they do not indulge in any activity or behaviours that could truncate their next level of education.

Speaking to the media at Agoroyesum and Manso Adubia where he distributed bars of chocolates to over 1,820 Final Year JHS students who were undertaking their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) last Friday, Hon Gyamfi said it was important that parents keep charge of their wards as they exit Basic Education.

He noted that with Free Senior High School in sight for the JHS graduates who do well in the BECE it was important that nothing is allowed to truncate their education at this early age.

“I will take this opportunity to urge parents and guardians of these completing students to monitor their behaviours and movements at home  as they wait for the results of the BECE so that they do not indulge in pre-marital sex, thievery and other vices that have tendencies of truncating their education”, the DCE stated.

Chocolate Distribution:
Hon Gyamfi said he has since becoming DCE for the area distributed bars of chocolate 🍫 to final year students who sit for the BECE every year.

The gesture, he explained is to encourage the students to give off their best during the exams.

He also said the gesture is used to congratulate the students for being diligent to study and complete Basic Education.

“I have done this distribution for the years i have been DCE and it is my small way of saying good luck to the students and to appreciate them for their efforts in finishing basic level education and for the first time i decided to give some of the chocolates to the exam supervisors and invigilators at the exam centers just to say thank you to them”, Hon Gyamfi stated.

Exams Officer:
Awudu Issah, Exams Officer for the Amansie South District thanked the DCE for the gesture.

He noted that the District last year recorded 98% pass rate for its candidates at the BECE.

This, the Education Unit believes is the outcome of support and motivation it receives from the DCE and the Amansie South Assembly.

“We are hopeful that such motivational gestures and support would continue to come from the Assembly so that together with the teachers and the Education Directorate we can get positive educational outcomes in Amansie South District”, the Exams Officer posited.


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