Mrs Judith Abgeko, Deputy Human Resource Manager at KMA
I.F Joe Awuah Jnr, a famous daily guide reporter in the Ashanti Region last Tuesday was allegedly attacked by some security guards at the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA).
The two security guards, a source within the Assembly narrated were allegedly acting on instructions given them by the Deputy Human Resource Manager, Judith Agbeko, who reports indicate wields so much power at the Assembly.
Madam Judith Agbeko, our source revealed got incensed by the presence of the reporter at the precincts of the Assembly when official work had closed.
She is said to have asked the guards to sack the reporter from the assembly and as if the guards also had a premeditated agenda of executing same pounced on the hapless reporter.
The guards, our source noted in Rambo style bundled the reporter out of the place, ignoring the promptings of onlookers that the reporter is a well known face in media circles.
Speaking to the Ghanaian Observer Newspaper late Wednesday evening, Joe Awuah with a trembling voice confirmed the assault on his person.
Struggling to put his speech together, Mr Awuah said he had only gone to the KMA to cross-check an information he had gotten regarding some operations the Assembly was alleged to have undertaken.
He said while on his way to the Public Relations Office, two stoutly built men with KMA security inscription on the caps and shirts they wore bundled him out of the place.
Mr Awuah said before he could ask what his crime was while being carried away the guards gave him hefty blows to drown the question he wanted to pose.
‘’My brother, I still feel pains all over my body and what baffles me is that I had done nothing to warrant such treatment. I was just carrying out my duty at a public place and to be beaten to the point of losing all my belongings because I was fishing for information is strange’’, Mr Awuah muffled.
Meanwhile, information gleaned by this reporter at the KMA points to power play by Mrs Judith Agbeko.
The deputy HR officer, according our source wields so much influence and power at the KMA.
Mrs Agbeko, our source noted still carry herself same way as she did during the tenure of the former Mayor.
As at the time of going to press, names of the two security guards who displayed animalistic and ungodly traits were yet to be known.
Mr Awuah, on the other hand and at the time of filing this report was readying to report a case of assault to the Police.
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