The body of one of the murdered women
Madam Elizabeth Agyemang, Deputy Ashanti Regional Minister last Thursday shed tears at the sight of two dead females at Abrepo, a suburb of the Kumasi Metropolis.
The two ladies whose identities as at press time was unknown seemed to have been raped, murdered and bodies dumped at a muddy area in Abrepo.
Having bruises on their necks and hands, the ladies seemed to have struggled with their killers before their death.
Speaking at the site during a visit, the Deputy Minister expressed worry about the manner the two ladies have been treated by their murderer(s).
‘’ I am highly traumatized seeing these ladies who could easily be my daughters killed in such a gruesome manner and dumped in this bush like that’’, Madam Agyemang in tears noted.
She urged the Police to hasten investigations into the murder so the culprits are identified and dealt with on time.
These deaths, she mentioned put fear in people and the earlier they are investigated and dealt with the better for the psyche of residents and the public.
Madam Agyemang noted the expertise of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Police and expressed confidence in them to do a good job by unraveling matters.
The ladies, she opined seemed unknown in the Abrepo community and wondered why they could be shamefully treated to their deaths this way.
‘’It is unthinkable to see such beautiful ladies treated with such contempt and dumped here just like that’’, the Deputy Minister stressed.
Speaking with the Ghanaian Observer Newspaper, some residents of Abrepo expressed fear about the incident in their community.
They wondered where the killers may be hiding to perpetrate same again in the community.
Akosua Agyeiwaa, a 30 year old resident expressed sadness at the sight of the two ladies who could easily pass for her siblings.
Afua Nyarko, a 32 year old trader said she was traumatized seeing the ladies raped and killed in such a disgraceful manner.
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