Nana Ama Ampomah calls for decent campaign amongst organizer hopefuls


Nana Ama Ampomah, Ashanti Regional women’s organiser of NPP

The Ashanti regional women’s organiser,  Nana Ama Ampomah has called on Francis Adomako and Dennis Kwakwa, two regional organiser hopefuls to conduct decent campaigns if they are to participate in the upcoming regional contest.

Having worked with the two, Madam Ampomah said it pains her to see them,  especially their supporters embark on a vicious and insulting campaigns.

Speaking to the Ghanaian Observer Newspaper moments after releasing a statement Thursday night,  Madam Ampomah said people of same political party do not need to use insults to sell their messages or to make their intents known to delegates.

Referring to both Francis and Kwakwa as brothers, the regional women’s organiser said she wished that one of them stepped down for the other since what’s happening is likely bring bad blood between them.

Madam Ampomah noted her intention to call both hopefuls to a formal meeting to resolve the feud between their supporters.

She noted that reasons why she feels one should step down for the other will be communicated by her to the two regional officers at the meeting.

Supporters of candidates or hopefuls do not need to use insults or wage violent campaigns to sell their choices or preferences, the women’s organiser stressed.

Aspirants together with their supporters should sell the competences of their choices and that’s what wins votes but not insults, Madam Ampomah intimated.

” I plan to sit my brothers down, I mean Francis Adomako and Dennis Kwakwa and listen to them and then suggest to them what I have in mind”, the women’s organiser stated.

Madam Ampomah said the NPP needed unity from now till the party prosecutes an effective agenda to win power in 2024.

Such internal animosity and fierce and sometimes violent tendencies will not augur well for the party as it prepares to usher in polling station, constituency, regional and national elections.

The NPP, she intimated is the best party to develop the country and hence it must put its house in order to make the 2024 elections a formality.

“We are a solid party and we are capable of governing Ghana beyond 2024 and so we must rather concentrate our efforts in making our party attractive to the electorate through our actions”, Madam Ampomah stressed.

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