Henry Nana Boakye, NPP National Youth Organizer addressing the media in Kumasi.
The National Youth Organizer of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Lawyer Henry Nana Boakye (Nana B ) has challenged the NDC to give account on the youth focused policies and programs they (NDC) implemented in their 8 years in government and the impact such policies, if any, had in the lives of the Ghanaian Youth.
Speaking at a Press Conference dubbed “The Youth Must Know Series”, Nana B asserted that “the NPP Youth is giving the National Youth wing and the Communications Outfit of the NDC a one week ultimatum to tell the Ghanaian Youth, specific Youth-focused policies and programs that they implemented in their 8years administration and the impact it had in the lives of the youth of Ghana.”
“The policies of President Akufo-Addo and Vice President Bawumia that have had far reaching benefits to the youth are over hundred. But for strategic reasons, I will list 60 of them:”
One District One Factory: over 58 factories out of the 181 under the 1D1F initiative have been completed and operationalized
NABCO: 100,000 young persons have been employed
Youth Employment Agency (YEA) has employed over 70,000 young people
YEA’s Job Center platform, Region Flagship Projects and the Artisan Directory has enabled thousands of young people across the country to secure sustainable jobs in the short to medium term.
Financial Support to one thousand athletes – a monthly stipends of Ghc500.00 to be paid to 1,000 athletes for a period of six (6) months.
Recruitment of 8,872 Teachers
Recruitment of 1,445 Non-Teaching Staff
Recruitment of 7,700 youth under Educational Support Programme under GES and YEA
Recruitment of 54,000 Nurses
Recruitment of 18,000 Other Health Workers
Recruitment of 1,174 Environmental Health Officers/ Assistants:
Recruitment of 2,700 Extension Officers
Recruitment of over 12,000 Security Personnel
Investment and Jobs under Ghana Automotive Development Policy – Volkswagen has commenced assembling cars in Ghana, Toyota, Nissan, Renault, Hyundai, Sinotruck and Suzuki to start very soon.
Hundred and five thousand three hundred and fifty (105,350) Job Creation in Cocoa
Eighty-Three Thousand (83.000) youth employed By Forestry Commission
Twelve thousand (12,000) start-ups and small business trained, 3,000 provided with funding to expand their businesses in order to create jobs under the Presidential Business Support Programme
Presidential Pitch: 40 young persons given financial support, 460 jobs created.
Equipping the Youth with Entrepreneurial Skills under NEIP – NEIP has trained 45,000 youth in Agricbusines, ICT, Trade and Commerce
Funding of Young Entrepreneurs under NEIP: A total of 9,350 businesses have been funded within 3 years
Campus Business Pitch Programme: building the entrepreneurship culture among students with the intention of catching them young to contribute meaningfully to the Ghana Beyond Aid Agenda.
Rural Enterprise Programme (REP): A total of 3,833 new rural businesses were established whilst 4,727 direct jobs were created.
Green Business Initiative: 75 Greenhouses (Domes), 1,500 young graduates engaged.
Jobs under Incubation and Support Programme at Accra Digital Center: 150 start-ups supported, additional 200 ancillary jobs created.
Technology Transfer, Research and Product Development Programme (TTRPDP)
Technical and Vocational Skills Training – trained 11,662 persons in various vocational trades.
Jobs under Labour Department 2,250 persons in gainful employment
1,438 Jobs under National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI)
Planting for Food and Jobs – 1.9 million people including the Ghanaian Youth have benefited from this program.
- Planting for Export and Rural Development (PERD) – The programme aims to promote the export of tree crops including cashew, coffee, coconut, oil palm, mango, rubber and sheanut to increase export