NPP’s promise to help nurses, doctors acquire cars not feasible – Vehicle and Assets Dealers

The New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) manifesto has been sharply criticised by the Vehicle and Assets Dealers’ Union of Ghana for its apparent lack of targeted policies designed to support the automobile industry.

The union, which represents a significant sector of Ghana’s economy, expressed concerns over what it perceives as a missed opportunity for the government to engage meaningfully with private sector players, particularly those in the vehicle and asset dealership industry.

According to the union, the NPP’s manifesto does not adequately address the specific needs and concerns of vehicle and asset dealers, a sector it said plays a crucial role in the country’s economy by facilitating the sale and acquisition of vehicles and other assets.

General Secretary of the union, Clifford Ansu lamented that the manifesto overlooks the potential for fruitful collaboration between the government and the union, especially in areas where such partnerships could yield significant benefits.

Mr Ansu pointed out that the manifesto contains promises that seem to be disconnected from the realities of the industry. One such promise that has drawn the union’s attention is the NPP’s commitment to helping nurses and doctors acquire vehicles.

Mr Ansu questioned the practicality and feasibility of such a promise, especially in the absence of consultation with key stakeholders like his union.

“If the nurses and the doctors that they [the NPP] say they are going to give them vehicles, which we know that they cannot even give those vehicles that we are talking about to them, but it is a promise because whatever the government has been saying over time is something that never even materialised.

“But if they can still believe this manifesto promise that the vehicles are going to be given to them on that score, we don’t have any problem with them. But as far as we know, they should allow us to do our business, we don’t want any impediments from the government.”


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