Bayer Confirms End of Sale of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides for US Lawn & Garden Market
Bayer Confirms End of Sale of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides for US Lawn & Garden Market Bayer have announced that they will no longer sell glyphosate-based herbicides to U.S. gardeners as of 2023,... read more

Retired Bishop Explains Why the Church Invented Hell
http://www.wakingtimes.com/2016/05/12/retired-bishop-reveals-why-the-church-invented-hell/ Vic Bishop, Staff Waking Times Religions tend to invent ideas and concepts just like every other creative... read more

Christmas – “The Rebirth of The Sun”
The Birthday of Nimrod and Tammuz and the Rebirth of the Sun (Christmas) The origin of Christmas has been and continues to be exposed for its true original roots: “Nimrod started the great... read more

The Christmas Tree – An Ancient Pagan Fertility Symbol
Most people will gather around “the Christmas tree” on December 25th without having any idea why we practice this tradition or where it came from. The truth is that the Christmas tree and... read more

Christmas: Origin, History, & Traditions
“Holiday.” For most people the word is applied to one celebration in particular . . . Christmas! The definition of the word “holiday” reveals a religious element of which... read more

– The west African tribal nations that our forefathers were taken from, have many ancient Hebrew customs in there culture http://www.angelfire.com/ill/hebrewisrael/printpages/hebrewism.html... read more

What intellectual difference is there between IQ scores of 135, 157, and 162?
Nth Bar-Fields, Co-founder and director of Elysian Trust. Neurofeedback tech. My answer probably won’t be popular, but it will be verifiable with licensed psychometricians. There is currently no... read more

10 Signs You Have Lost Touch with Your Inner Self
Any one of the following signs can indicate that you’ve lost touch with your inner self. A loss of connection with the inner self can manifest as symptoms showing a split between you as mind, and... read more

What Are the 12 Archetypes and Which One Dominates Your Personality
There are 12 archetypes which have been appearing in stories and myths all over the world since the beginning of time. Carl Jung defined 12 archetypes that symbolize basic human motivations, as well... read more

Who was the most unquestionably evil human being to ever exist?
King Leopold II of Belgium, he killed and mutilated an estimated 10 million africans, while making them work as slaves to harvest rubber from the plants over there. If they didn’t harvest the... read more

Did the Mysterious Planet Nine Tilt the Solar System?
PASADENA, Calif. — The putative “Planet Nine” may have tilted the entire solar system, researchers say. In January, astronomers revealed evidence for the potential existence of another... read more