Some Of Us Have Been Responsible Miners-Small Scale Mining Group Asserts

Responsible Small Scale Miners Association members chanting during the press conference in Kumasi

Some Of Us Have Been Responsible Miners—–Small Scale Mining Group Asserts

A group by name, Responsible Small Scale Miners Association (RSSMA) has cautioned the Tradea Union Congress (TUC) Ghana 🇬🇭 as well as the Christian Council and other coalitions to stop antagonising all mining companies as if all of them are into illegal mining in the country.

Addressing the media in Kumasi Sunday afternoon, Mr Philip Bawah, President of the Association said it was simplistic to call for a wholesale ban of all mining in the country.

He argued that just as there are good and bad people in every organisation, same exists in the mining sector.

“It is true that some of our colleagues are doing illegal mining but it must be noted that some of us who have gone for licenses from the appropriate bodies are engaged in responsible and clean mining on our concessions”, the President noted.

Government Committee:
The Group’s President said his outfit was in full support of the government’s proposal to get stakeholders to brainstorm about illegal mining and ways to end same.

He noted that rather than use brutal force, antagonism and high handed approach in a bid to stem the illegal mining tide, a proper road map needed to be drawn and followed through to halt the menace ultimately.

“We are in full support of the government’s swift action in setting up a 5-member ministerial ad-hoc committee with the mandate to evaluate the government’s effort to combat illegal mining, review the effectiveness of the measures implemented to address the environmental damage caused by illegal mining across the country”, the group’s president stated.

He also noted that the group believes that if the fight against illegal mining can be won, it must be devoid of any political breezes, adding that any form of politicisation of this fight must be discouraged.

The group rallied the Minerals Commission and other state bodies to conduct swoops and monitoring on sites they have leased out.

This, he noted would get the licensed miners to do what is right at all times.

He also noted that such swoops could get rid of persons who were still indulging in illegal acts on the countries water bodies and forest reserves.

“We wish to reiterate our call that we support the fight against illegal mining as well as the drastic measure against mining activities in water bodies and unlicensed operations in forest reserves. We will however resist any attempt to include responsible and legal small scale mining as seen in the calls by TUC. The Minerals Commission should also sit up. The laxity in supervision is also partly to blame for the mess we see today”, the group President stated.


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