Pastor Samuel Aduama
Taxation of Churches-Head Pastor at the Calvary Charismatic Center-Atasemanso has added his voice to the ongoing discussions on calls for churches to be taxed.
Though he subscribes to the idea of taxation of Churches, Pastor Samuel Aduama says it will not be advisable to put up some form of blanket taxation. He says churches should be classified based on what they do.
“Though churches are supposed to be non-profit making bodies, there are indeed some that are set up to make profits and hence should be dealt with accordingly” he suggested and added that churches give to Caesar what is Caesar’s.
He suggests that government initiates a system where churches are mandated to have external auditors who will audit all churches from time to time and those found to be making profits taxed accordingly.
He decried the current structure of what he called “one man churches” where the founder of the church enriches himself with offerings and proceeds from the church.
Pastor Aduama wants churches to come on board and partner government in developing the nation as has been the case in the past.
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