What you should know about the wonder drug COA

COA-drugYou may have probably heard of a wonder drug that has and continues to prove itself potent in the fight against HIV/AIDS and other scary diseases and conditions that have plagued the human race for years.

Many call me to ask me if it is true. My answer is YES…and it is called the COA Drug.

It was discovered in Ghana and has passed a series of tests within and outside Ghana. Scientific analysis has been conducted on the COA drug by the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine (CSRPM), Akuapen Mampong and Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Legon and indeed, the results confirm the claims.

COA DRUG is a potent PLANT EXTRACT which supports the HUMAN-IMMUNITY SYSTEM to fight a variety of deadly diseases including HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Liver disorders, All forms of Cancers, Chronic Diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes, Mild/Early Stroke and other blood related diseases.


The major chemical constituents of COA DRUG are “TRITERPENES”).

You may call 024 9 57 96 64 for further inquiries.

Enjoy a healthy life.


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  1. That’s great news. This shouldnt give people licence to do things oo… lol. Want to know who discovered it?

  2. I am a biomedical scientist working on people living with HIV/AIDS.
    having in depth knowledge in immunology, I had always said there Coul come a time when terminal diseases like cancers, AIDS and the likes will be properly managed and to a greater extent treated if we could refine a more potent drug from our herbs that can boost the immune system. luckily enough, here we come so pretty soon.
    congratulations to the researchers.
    I recommend that the experimentaction and clinical trials wouldn’t stop here but will steadily go on so we can attain at least, 99% cure for the most dreadful viral and terminal diseases.

    1. Plz iwant to buy how much is it? How long will i be on it ? Where can i go and buy,,plz talk to me

  3. I have prostate cancer and its so hurting that in addition to feeling pains in my penis during urination my anus also hurts badly coupled with constipation, swollen anus and back pains. I have taken 5 bottles of the drug and don’t see much improvement. I need ur advice cos am in excruciating pains especially my waist and anus when urinating.

  4. I’m looking for a lung cancer cure and this COA drug was recommended by a friend. I would be grateful if you could confirm this claim and how many bottles to purchase for a complete cure please.

    1. Been having some difficulties getting through……… Could you only tell me Yes/No whether it cures pls?

    2. It does cure. I am however unable to tell the quantity you will have to take at this stage. Kindly make contact on phone so we can pick it up from there.

  5. I understand your product is regarded or categorized as a Food Supplement……… In that sense can it still be termed as medicine for the cure of all forms cancer(s) and chronic diseases as advertised or only improving ones well-being? Please let me know. Thanks

    1. The things u hear are a matter of regulation and not what it is or not able to do. Please call me. Thanks.

  6. Dr may the Lord reachly bless u.Dr I have a friend in south Africa whos very seriously looking for you.She is HIV patient ,were can we found you? Your direction.

  7. Wonder drug. I’m a hepatitis victim and already taking coa drug jxt hoping to get that positive results after my next lab test.

  8. Iam a medical doctor and have started prescribing COA drug for my client and want to be an agent
    Please what is the procedure to become an agent.

  9. i had a very painful blisters around my genital. its very itching and becomes sore when the blisters burst.i learnt is a viral disease .
    can coa drug cure it?

    1. Hello Bernard, I try calling your number from Nigeria but it’s telling the number does not exist. Pls give me the right format.

    2. Pls am still unable to get you. Please you can flash me on this number 08032505695 to get your active number. Thanks or send me your email ID.

    1. Plss can coa drug cure hepatitis b
      Am 20yrs and I have hepatitis B…
      How many coa drug should I take

    1. I have Copd, will the coa-Fs cure this? and I have 2 Brothers and 1 sister that have Cancer. will it cure Cancer also? please get back with Me as soon as You can.

    2. Please call me on 0249579664. I’ll refer you to a COA Doctor for appropriate answers. Thank you.

    1. Pls what’s the difference between Coa fs and Coa 72..I have hepatitis b and wants to buy some .

  10. May God richly bless you for your good works Doc…..plz how much is the drug and where can I get some to buy, am really not sick but just want to buy one and take for immune competence…..need your advice plz tanks

  11. Is there anyone here who is already taking COA for HIV or any other viral, chronic diseases.Did you find any changes.Is anyone among you got fully recovered. There are so much going on around the globe who just taking out money from your pocket and playing with their innocent hearts,,Pls help me finding, if COA is working than it would be a huge advantage to all. Please let me know

    1. What kind of evidence do you seek? We cannot upload people’s confidential reports online. If you have doubts, put a confirmed infected person on the product and run viral load tests at intervals and do your own study. You can then have all the evidence you need for or against COA. Have a nice day.

  12. Wot about COA 72? Is there any news regarding it.? Can we find more information? Dr. Duncan was supposed to announced this news at his conference between 1st of march 2017 to 4th of march 2017. Is there anything come up on the internet ?youtube? How can we believe or trust. ? CAN COA 72 BRING OUR LIVES BACK TO NORMAL? NEGATIVE REPORTS?

    1. Take 10mls of COA (approximately 1 table spoon full) and add 40mls(app. 4 tablespoons) of hot water in a glass and drink twice daily; morning before breakfast and last thing at night before you sleep. Take it every day consistently.

    2. I’m a stroke patient and I want to know if I can combine your drug with my tablets as well please?

    3. Bernard I am Kelvin from cape coast Ghana… can you add the country code’s number so that everyone can call you as you requires globally
      Thank You

  13. Hi thr ,

    Since, 2015 , I am not well,i I have had symptoms related to HIV which i was diagnosed later in dec 2015 when i was found i was suffering from TB. I took ART for 45 days than after , I started looking around for a a cure, however, I took a 10 days treatment in India supposed to cure you genetically but nothing to do with viral load and cd4 count which sounds to me was fake but still i went and took the treatment because i was desperate like every individual.So, the dr who was claiming this a cure was fake and i spent a good amount of money on that. Right now ,I am taking homeopathy meds.

    The Reason I wrote a whole lot because i am requesting you, please help me in real before it is too late. I have already spoke to Dr Duncan ,As per he advised the disease will be cured , If i come there and take COA 72 Intramuscular Injection. I am happy to come there but this time i don’t want to come until , i have some solid proof. I know it is confidential , but not impossible.So, please put more proof or evidence or may be videos or testimonies which further can help us to bring faith in your medicine , So that we can come there straight away without thinking twice.

  14. I have a son who is having chronic hepatitis b. He is also G6PD full diffect can he use the COA drug

    1. please i do have pain in my testicle can i take some of the drug.
      can it also cure pastorate cancer?

    2. It can help you with prostate cancer. Kindly call 024 9 57 96 64 for further discussions.

  15. hello , i was at your festival held at the University of Cape Coast , of which i heard a lot of testimonies about the COA FS and the COA drug under research for HIV,
    Please my mother is a DIABETES TYPE 1 patient and also suffering from RHEUMATOID ARHRITIS, please i want to know if the COA FS can cure this illness completely. 0548590736

    1. Please I am hypertentive,and also hepatitese C positive.I have been taking theCOA fs for one and half (1.5)months now but the symptoms are still severe.What do I do?Can I continue to take the COA with the BP tablets?.

  16. am Sammy and i have diagnosed with hapetitis b since 2012 I want known that coa fs can cure it for me

  17. Pls how many bottles can cure type 2 diabetes completely,and what is the dosage of treating diabetes ,can I take it together with the hospital drugs

  18. pls can the Coa drug cure hiv?
    I have a friend who is hiv+ and would like to buy 1 for him or if possible bring him to ur center for treatment…Thank you

  19. cony
    please doctor, where will i get some of the drug in kumasi to buy i am suffering from hepatitis b. please help me.

  20. Thanks Bernard for your responses and engaging us like this. This put some confidence and authenticate your products. But i am a bit concern with those report of people in this very conversation that are taking your products without any improvement in their cases.That’s was my concern whethere this is not yet another one of those ee hv had in the past. Is your drug indeed what you say it is and what about those complaining of not working for them? Thanks

  21. Bernard Buachi hi dear can cure hiv and hsv2 100 please coa 72 i just diagnosed this please advise me thanks

    1. Take 10mls(1 tablespoon) and add 40mls(4 tablespoons) of hot water. Drink first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

    1. hi david did you try the medicine and did you see any change please let me know tganks dear

    1. Take it along your hospital medication. Leave 30 minutes intervals however. It will help your immune system subdue the infection.

  22. What is the differences between coa fs and coa drug. I’m currently using the coa fs. I just find out about the coa drug and i have a chronic disease . Which of the drug do you think i should use. Thank you.

    1. They are the same. It used to be called COA drug until a change in the name and label to COA FS.

  23. Hi Bernard. Good afternoon. I have bought the COA Drug for some people with hiv. The instructions is 10ml coa, 10ml honey with very warn water 40ml. Should they drop the honey and use the coa and the warm water alone?

    1. The manufacturer does not lay claim to such please. You may call 024 9 57 96 64 for further inquiries.

  24. Please does the COA FS cure chronic hepatitis b virus completely? If so, how many bottles or number of month should I take for recovery. Thank you!

    1. From my experience, it helps significantly with the reduction of the virus and health of the liver. You may call 0249589664 for further directions and insights. Thanks

  25. hi Doctor am having a pregnant women friend she is HIV positive living in south Africa how can we access COA ?

    thank you

    1. If she is pregnant, do not take coa for now. Let your doctor know your status. After delivery, we could discuss taking COA. Meanwhile, you may call 024 9 579 664 for any further discussion. Thank you.

  26. Please do you have medicine for injecting hepatitis b patients apart from the oral COA FS drug. If so, how is the procedure or way forward for accessing to that medicine.

  27. Hi please if a man is suffering from prostate cancer which has spread to the bones can COA cure it or suppress the growth and improves the general condition and how many bottles will be needed.Thanks

  28. Mr Bernard thanks for your replies, but from the look of things you’re not talking abt the Coa72 injection for hiv cure, pls we need assurance of this cure
    Ist cure or is maintenance? Pls clearify us thank you

    1. I’m sorry but I am not the manufacturer. I sell Coa fs. I cannot talk about 72 at the moment. I cannot give you the assurances you seek but only say that it is very helpful. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for your message Ken. I am a private seller and not an employee of the manufacturing company. I can only speak for my stock. You may however send a whatsApp with your query to +233249579664 so we find ways to get it to you there.

    1. Apologies for that. In a meeting. Today may not be conducive for a call but you may send a whatsApp message. I can respond to that. Thanks.

  29. Hello Benard please can coa Fs cure pcos and how many bottles can I take? Please there’s a rumor trending that Coa Fs is poisonous,how true is it?

    1. It can help you. It is difficult to tell how many bottles you will have to take. Please take for three months and run tests. The FDA says they have detected contamination. The manufacturer is contesting that claim. Let’s remain calm and see the final outcome. You may however call 0249579664 for any further inquiry. Thank you.

  30. Can someone having Hiv positive be cure by taking coa fs and inject coa 72 in 3 days as Dr. Duncan said. And how much will it cost him.

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